Our Software Solutions:
tecterm: Terminology for Everyone

What is tecterm?
tecterm is a web-based terminology database that can be individually adapted to your needs. Your company's own terminology is created and maintained centrally, in all languages relevant to your markets. If you have already built up terminology inventories such as in Excel we can simply insert them. All employees can access it via a browser. The user interface is self-explanatory, so there is no need for training. This includes our services (i.e., data maintenance).
At a Glance
- Easy to use
- Also for employees who have no background in language skills
- No training required
- No installation necessary, no plug-ins
- As many users as you want
- As many languages as you want

Why Manage Your Terminology?
There is no doubt that consistent terminology maintenance is vital in order to present oneself to customers and, also, to improve internal communication. On the other hand, there's an unmanageable number of terms and concepts that need to be checked. Increasing specialization and complex products are creating new concepts. Last but not least, product liability must also be taken into account. The importance of terminology increases with every language into which technical documentation and sales documents are translated.
Who is tecterm suitable for?
tecterm is a company-wide solution. With a simple, intuitive user interface, employees from all departments are able to search for terms. For those employees who actively influence and design terminology, tecterm offers enhanced functions with an approval process that concludes with the released terminology.
- Increased quality of documentation in all languages
- Systematic development and dissemination of terminology
- Avoidance of internal, stand-alone solutions
- Clear communication with customers, but also internally (e.g., between development, sales/marketing, and service departments)

Basic Version
In the basic version, you can use tecterm free of charge if you order translations. This gives you the opportunity to test the system without obligation.
We will take care of all terminology maintenance for you.
Advanced Version
In the Advanced Version, we design an interface tailored to your needs and according to your specifications. Useful additional information (e.g., graphics or instructions for use) can be added to an entry. Different roles with different rights are defined.
We will be happy to offer you a quote.
At a glance
Native speaker principle.
We always translate into our native language.
Well trained
Our translators are experts in their field engineers, architects, chemists and all have at least three years of professional experience as a translator.
An attractive price thanks to machine translation and careful post editing provided that the source text lends itself to NMT.
Tools for you
We provide our customers with tools to help with terminology and editing.
Certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 compliant.
Experience with organisations and internal company processes that differ from the standard.